Comprehensive Insurance Mawthoq Class

Mawthoq Class

What is Mawthoq class?

Mawthoq repair is a new category that joined the comprehensive insurance type as a third option besides workshop and agency repair. Mawthoq Class enables you to repair your car in approved agencies at competitive prices.

Maqthoq Benefits

• A guaranteed and safe option
• Competitive Prices
• Free Morni service

To see the approved agencies click here

Mawthoq Sale Channels

You can buy Mawthoq Comprehensive Insurance through these channels

Walaa Store

WhatsApp Business

Walaa Branches

Get Mawthoq Comprehensive Insurance Now

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  • Can the customer choose the repair agency?

    Agency selection will be based on vehicle location, if the city have more than one agency, Walaa will give the option for the client.

  • Is there a guarantee on the repair? What does it include? And what is the period?

    There’s a warranty for repair and spare parts for 6 months.

  • If the car is still under warranty, and the customer has Mawthoq repair, would the repair in a different agency void the warranties of vehicles that have been serviced elsewhere?

    There’s a warranty for repair and spare parts for 6 months with our repairer for all of accident damages parts and these changed parts will not affect the agency warranties.

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