Protection & Savings Insurance

As part of the employees’ benefits package, Walaa offers a Protection & Savings insurance plan that may be offered as part of the benefits package. In the event of the death or disability of the insured member, the plan will pay the coverage amount to the beneficiary, which is either a fixed amount or a multiple of the employee's salary.

There are many other benefits that can be added to the plan as it can be tailored to suit the company’s needs by adding one or more of the following additional benefits to the contract coverage:

  • Death due to any case with Accelerated Life Benefits
  • Accidental Death – Double indemnity
  • Permanent Total Disability (Accident & Sickness)
  • Permanent Partial Disability (Accident & Sickness)
  • Temporary Total Disability (Accident & Sickness)
  • Medical Expenses due to Accident
  • Repatriation Expenses
  • Passive war Risk

The Protection & Savings insurance plan is characterized by flexibility as it gives the employer complete control over the level of coverage and the type of benefits that he wants to offer to his employees.

Who to contact about products and pricing?

For any servicing requests

For any new policy requests (Takaful Sales)

Additional benefits to the contract coverage

Death due to any case with Accelerated Life Benefits

Accidental Death – Double indemnity

Permanent Total Disability (Accident & Sickness)

Permanent Partial Disability (Accident & Sickness)

Medical Expense due to Accident

Repatriation Expenses

Passive war Risk

  • Who to contact about products and pricing?

    you can send an email to

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